Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 13:00 - 17:00
DescriptionWe are manufacturer of complete plants for food industry with 2 main divisions:
SPIRAL CONVEYORS: complete lines for FOOD PROCESSES, for freezing, cooling, pasteurizing, cooking several kind of products as bakery, dairy, ice creams, processed fruit and vegetables, meats, desserts and many more.
PASTA MACHINERY: tailor-made lines and machines for pasta makers. Fresh filled or flat pasta, dry, special, pre-cooked, pasteurized, frozen pasta, gluten-free or not, using or not special flours.
Organization Type
Phone+39 0423 482 633
Email sarp@sarp.it
CityCASTELFRANCO VENETO (TV) - ITALY, Via Montebelluna Di S. Andrea 43 Google map
Areas of Activities