Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 13:00 - 17:00

DescriptionBankom Ltd. is a private company founded in 1992 with headquarters in Belgrade. Thanks to its successful operating, Bankom has developed business in several branches of industry and grown into Bankom Group. The basic activities of the Bankom Group are foreign and domestic trade, human and animal nutrition products, providing tourism and catering services and development of software solutions. Nowadays, in its structure, the Group owns a soybean processing factory, animal feed factory, factories for production of premixes and raw materials for animal feed. Also there are factories for production of milk replacers for animal consumption, bases for ice cream and milk replacers for human consumption, as well as meat processing factory. Besides this, Bankom group has its own laboratories and maintenance facilities. In the services sector the Group owns two hotels and several tourism and cetering facilities.
Organization Type
Email marija.mraovic@bankom.rs
CityBelgrade, Bulevar Nikole Tesel 30a Google map
Areas of Activities
Food and drink Producers and Traders
Products for the food and pharmaceutical industries, Products for animal nutrition
Our company owns a soybean processing factory, animal feed factory, factories for production of premixes and raw materials for animal feed. Also there are factories for production of milk replacers for animal consumption, bases for ice cream and milk replacers for human consumption, as well as meat processing factory. Besides this, Bankom group has its own laboratories and maintenance facilities.