Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 13:00 - 17:00

DescriptionBay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (BZN), Hungary's leading applied research institution carries out its RTDI tasks in the framework of 3 research divisions: Biotechnology (Szeged), Intelligent Systems (Smart) and Engineering divisions (Budapest, Miskolc).
The Division for Biotechnology of BZN (BAY-BIO) was the first established organizational unit. The activity of the Ltd. and BAY-BIO within the biotechnological sector forms a technological bridge between the phases of basic research and experimental development, in order to realize the economic utilization of R&D achievements. Due to our flexible approach and comprehensive professional background established in the area of applied research, we can provide creative, innovative solutions and answers to the biotechnology-related problems and questions arising on our partners' side. In cooperation with the other divisions of the Ltd., BAY-BIO focuses on the realization of the following tasks:
• provide applied research background for domestic and international corporate partners
• implement goal- and product-oriented projects via participation in tenders
• provide a cutting-edge service portfolio for partners
• practice-oriented education
Due to its strategic cooperation projects, BAY-BIO has comprehensive experience in the areas of agro-biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, oil microbiology and biotechnology as well as in the application of microbiological technologies in food industry, algal biotechnology, molecular biology, bioremediation and automated fermentation.
Organization Type
CitySzeged, Derkovits fasor 2. Google map
Areas of Activities
Renewable energy
Applied science and research
Innovative technologies in agriculture
komplex agro-biotechnológiai megoldások fejlesztése / kompleksnih agro-biotehniloških rešenja
Alkalmazott kutatási háttér biztosítása olyan komplex agro-biotechnológiai megoldások fejlesztéséhez, mint a biomassza-hasznosítás, a szerves tápanyag-utánpótlás a mezőgazdasági termelésben, az állati takarmány előállítása és a precíziós gazdálkodás
Obezbeđivanje uslova za primenu istraživanja u razvoju kompleksnih agro-biotehniloških rešenja kao što su : korisčenje biomase, dopunjavanje organskim hranjivim sastojcima u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, pripremi stočne hrane i precizionoj poljoprivredi.
Providing applied research background to developments in the field of complex agro-biotechnological solutions as biomass valorisation, organic nutrient supply for agricultural cultivation, animal feed production and precision farming
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation